Recent content by budgetgamer12345

  1. budgetgamer12345

    [SOLVED] RX570 Newbie Help!

    Have you tried using another HDMI cable?
  2. budgetgamer12345

    [SOLVED] Should I get a rtx 2080ti or 2 rtx 2070 ?

    If you don't mind Ray Tracing, you can always get GTX 1080 TI for some decent money. Here in the Netherlands you can get used GTX 1080 TI for 340 Euros (380 dollars).
  3. budgetgamer12345

    [SOLVED] Should I get a rtx 2080ti or 2 rtx 2070 ?

    I always recommend single card, SLI gives almost always problems and isn't supported by every game.
  4. budgetgamer12345

    Can CS:GO run on Intel P6000

    It will defenitely run at the lowest settings 720P or 40+ fps at 640P I have similar specs/performance laptop at home that performs same as yours and it runs pretty okay at low settings and low resolution. Same as this video:
  5. budgetgamer12345

    [SOLVED] Windows Says I have a different graphics card help

    Can u please post a photo of your RTX 2080?
  6. budgetgamer12345

    gtx 1070 not recognized by motherboard(s)

    Ok, try this: Place your GPU in your PC, put your monitor cable in your onboard motherboard graphics. Then turn on your PC and download the NVIDIA GTX 1070 drivers while the HDMI cable is still connected to your motherboard. If this is not working, your GPU BIOS may be corrupted and you have to...
  7. budgetgamer12345

    [SOLVED] Upgrade Mid Tower

    What about RX 570? Same price as GTX 1050 TI but better, powerful card. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant Video Card: PowerColor - Radeon RX 570 4GB RED DRAGON Video Card ($149.99 @ Newegg) Total: $149.99 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available...
  8. budgetgamer12345

    Help To Fix My Graphic Card

    Wait. Is your HDMI cable plugged into your GPU or your motherboard?