Recent content by captainprocat1

  1. C

    How to wipe secondary drive (non os)

    Thanks got it storted aprently the reaosn i couldnt delete it was a rare bug involved in windows 10 reinstalled it and it worked no clue why but thanks everyone
  2. C

    How to wipe secondary drive (non os)

    Okay well i looked at that partoin thing and it wont let me allocate any more data than whats free so basically its not doing anything unless i am doing the completley wrong thing which i probally am but oh well.
  3. C

    How to wipe secondary drive (non os)

    EDIT:I AM TRYING TO WIPE MY DRIVE NOT SHRINK IT IN OTHER WORDS WIPE EVERYTHING ON IT SORRY FOR NOT MAKING IT CLEAR :p } [b]Hello im aware there are many threads being posted however i admit im not exactally that good with computers (can build my own pc thats really it) Basically i just...