Recent content by cheechnya

  1. C

    Need help trouble shooting graphics or PSU problem

    Well thanks for your help
  2. C

    Need help trouble shooting graphics or PSU problem

    Correct. When I have the 6+2 in it boots, but only to tell me that it won't boot and that i need to insert the rest of the PCI plugs. I insert the remaining 6 and nothing happens when I hit power.
  3. C

    Need help trouble shooting graphics or PSU problem

    I'm in the middle of my first build, and I've run into a brick wall. The motherboard is recieving power, and so is the GPU. The problem with the GPU is it'll receive power if the 6+2 pin is connected, but not when the 6+2 AND the 6 pin connector are plugged. When I have only the 6+2 in it'll...
  4. C

    Need help trouble shooting graphics or PSU problem

    I really hate to bump....
  5. C

    Need help trouble shooting graphics or PSU problem

    I'm in the middle of my first build, and I've run into a brick wall. The motherboard is recieving power, and so is the GPU. The problem with the GPU is it'll receive power if the 6+2 pin is connected, but not when the 6+2 AND the 6 pin connector are plugged. When I have only the 6+2 in it'll...
  6. C

    Gaming Build Help

    Well if the i7 is pointless to future proof, I will definitely go with an i5. Thank you both for your help! Any other advice?
  7. C

    Gaming Build Help

    So, i'm sure you guys get a billion threads on gaming builds, but i still hope you'll be of help. I'm looking at a build on just the tower of $900-$1100. I don't have a definitive parts list. Right now i'm using the Logical Increments (i'm looking at the excellent tier and the first rung of...
  8. C

    Help with old gaming PC

    I'm wondering if upgrading to better ram is possible (Im using ddr2) and if i did, if it increased performance. But my buddy said I might not be able to because of my mother board. Any help greatly appreciated!
  9. C

    Help with old gaming PC

    I had originally planned on building a brand new PC, but it just got too expensive for me. That's why I settled for a Playstation 4 to play newer games. Im not trying to spend more than 200 dollars. I'd love to spend 1000 plus and build my dream computer, but right now it's not financially...
  10. C

    Help with old gaming PC

    Hello all. So I bought my buddy's old PC, and I was wondering if there was any upgrading i could do to it. Windows 7 64 bit Intel(R) core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66gz 2.77ghz Geforce 9500Gt 512mb DDR2 4gb of ram (motherboard won't allow for anymore) Power supply PS-400w I guess i'm mainly...