Recent content by Chrono_45

  1. C

    Boots only if CMOS is cleared

    Thanks for the reply. I found out the problem; it had bad RAM. After I replaced it, it would start up every time.
  2. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Well, im out of ideas now. See if anybody else has any. If not, i would just take it to a store to get fixed... Sry i couldn't help u much
  3. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    And another thing is that it might just be overheating. Overheating parts can cause freezing very often.
  4. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Just keep it on for some time and if an error should appear, it would show up at the bottom of the screen. Don't worry about the passing and percentages; just look for errors. Btw, the technician at the store told me that they use diff tests for memory cuz they use corporate procedures. That's...
  5. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Very good advice, festerovic. I would definitely try those things before declaring it hopeless and having it fixed.
  6. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Oh, and one more question. Did you change anything in BIOS or overclock it at all? If so, you should go to BIOS and change them to default.
  7. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Well, i go to micro center for all my computer needs. I paid 85 bucks for a diagnostic/fix, which means that by the time you get it back, it is 100% working. The funny thing is, they charged me nothing when i got it back. Prolly cuz they sold me bad RAM in the first place and replaced it for...
  8. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Well, its starting to sound like a mb problem to me now. If i were u, i would go to a good reliable comp store and have the technicians take a look at it.
  9. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Is ur RAM in a kit? or did u buy them individually
  10. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    I have the same processor and the same RAM, and my RAM was defective the first time i got it, so hope you can solve your problem. I know how frustrating it must be...
  11. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    If the ram is bad, it shouldn't do any damage to the other parts. As for your old comp, im not really sure. Sometimes old parts, especially psu's, will take out other parts when they die. In most cases, i dont think that those parts will be damaged.
  12. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Well, with your problem I'm not sure if testing one stick at once will solve anything. Try it anyways, though. If it still doesn't work, i would take it to your favorite comp store and have them check it out.
  13. C

    Computer reboots after startup or freezes

    Have u tested ur RAM? Sometimes bad RAM makes it fail to boot or even restart several times.
  14. C

    no signal from pc

    Well, ive found that my problem is the RAM. They sold me a defective kit, so that caused it not to boot up properly. Hope that helps.
  15. C


    I had the same problem a few days ago, so i took it to a store to get it fixed. They said that i had some bad memory, which caused it to restart or show nothing on the monitor. Hope that helps.