Recent content by chuggazconroy

  1. C

    Question Unreasonably high RAM usage with no clear source

    Ah yes, I've added my specs and windows info to the main post, and here's an alphabetized list of all processes, some reason the problem decided to die down for a few days but now it's back again I was able to take screenshots of all the processes. View:
  2. C

    Question Unreasonably high RAM usage with no clear source

    Hi, I need some help troubleshooting my computer. Specs: GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060-3GB SSD: Kingdian S180 60GB HDD: WD Blue 1TB (2012) RAM: Unknown 8GBF1X08JEEE36-12-K 2x8GB MBD: Gigabyte GA-AB350-Gaming 3-CF PSU: EVGA 600B Am using Win10 64bit, version 1809, build 17763.437 Firstly, I have 16 gigs...
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    Asus GTX 1060 won't display; Mobo's VGA error led is on

    Specs: Ryzen 5 1500x Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3 mobo 2x8GB DDR4 RAM EVGA 600B PSU Asus GTX 1060 3GB Dual Graphics Card Today I got my new 1060 in the mail, I'm upgrading from a r9 270x. I went ahead and did the replacement process correctly, however when I go to turn on my pc, it doesn't display...