Recent content by clark455

  1. C

    Games Crashing After New GPU Installation

    Download DDU. After application start click "Clean and Restart", if it asks for safe mode, click yes. After this, download latest drivers form AMD.
  2. C

    PC keeps restarting after dual channel ram install

    Mixing sticks? So wrong. Is the third sticks the same brand as the first two?
  3. C

    Suggestions on new a motherboard?

    This should be a good combo.
  4. C

    Can my computer run blade and soul max settings

    Yes, your PC can run Blade and Soul at Max settings.
  5. C

    does this fit?

    Intel i7 5820k does not support that mobo.
  6. C

    What memory to go with?

    Get the corsair one:
  7. C

    Need a bit of advise on my new build [SOLVED]

    Hmm, I think the Asus Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 ti doesn't have any Power connectors, just place it in your PCI express slot.
  8. C

    i3 6100u better than pentium n3700?

    Go with i3 6100u, should perform better since it's a newer gen.
  9. C

    Three Sticks on a Dual Channel Mobo

    Stick with dual channel, they're way faster than single channel, and will improve performance a lot. EDIT: Three sticks won't slow your system that much. By adding the 3rd sticks you'll be in a single channel mode. This might reduce system performance but nothing to worry, all depends how fast...
  10. C

    Cpu cooler radiator fans , auto , or full speed?

    You can download "Speed Fan" from CNET, so in this way you can control it on your own.
  11. C

    Component issue help

    It was a hardware error, now that you fully cleaned your previous files of your GPU and installed new drivers, there should be no problem.
  12. C

    ram2gb + 8gb ddr2

    Not sure if I understood you but, You'll have to make sure you get the same model of your older RAM. Don't ever mix sticks with other brands
  13. C

    Can I use 1 stick of ram

    Yes, you can use one stick, other slots can be empty.