Recent content by Cloudy1

  1. Cloudy1

    When I do everything that's said online my laptop does not come up with HDD recovery can you hi elp I'm getting a bit ???????

    I'm not so sure I understand exactly what you're trying to do either ... the more info you supply the better E.g., exact model, which OS you are running etc etc... but ... Unless you have used a tool that actually can wipe the hard drive clean, E.g., DBAM (Dariks Boot and Nuke) or something...
  2. Cloudy1

    Sharing Vacation Photos

    Yes - you could use one of several options and the only problem I can envisage is the final size of all the image files I.e., how much space you are going to need to store all the photos. Free options include Dropbox (2GB free), Microsoft OneDrive (5GB free) and Mega(50GB free) cloud storage...
  3. Cloudy1

    10 won't boot

    Sorry but I don't get it??? In the first sentence you are saying that the hard drive is erased. In the second sentence you are saying that none of the advanced options do anything. If you are getting advanced options then your hard drive is not erased (completely anyway) ... so which is it...
  4. Cloudy1

    Why When Listening to You Tube, Does the Music Stop?

    Sounds like you're just another user who is getting slapped in the face by Google/YouTube. Seems to be a somewhat random rollout of another really annoying feature they have implemented across their music and TV platforms with no current reliable remedy. See here ...
  5. Cloudy1

    i need 2 front covers for fisher studio standard model 9425 speakers

    Probably after originals but ... Have you thought about making a couple for yourself? Not a really hard project: There are also a couple of YouTube vids I've come across which show how to assemble an easier frame I.e...
  6. Cloudy1

    Laptop turns off random toshiba qosmio

    My old Toshiba Qosmio F60 (which I still have and am now running Windows 10 on without issue even though it is not supported) used to do the same thing as described ... I.e., random shutdowns (and restarts ... the restarts could even be in the middle of the night after being "Shut Down" for...
  7. Cloudy1

    Laptop BIOS won't detect boot drive USB

    Do you have the Hard Drive BBS Priorities option under the Boot Tab in the BIOS? If yes then try this out:
  8. Cloudy1

    Laptop BIOS won't detect boot drive USB

    OK - no disk drive - got ya. But that doesn't stop you from adding Plop boot option via EasyBCD as suggested ... this is an alternative which I feel may be worth a shot ... nothing ventured - nothing gained.
  9. Cloudy1

    Laptop BIOS won't detect boot drive USB

    Have a go at using Plop Linux to see if it's USB boot option will allow the USB boot. You can do this in a couple of ways including using EasyBCD to add Plop or alternatively burn it to disk (if of course you have a Disk drive) ... by the sound of it you are obviously not going to be able to...
  10. Cloudy1

    When I go to bed at night my Dell computer is switched off but when I get up in the morning it's restarted it's self

    Try disabling fast Startup - assuming that you have Windows 8, 8.1 or 10. See here for a solution for Windows 10: The procedure is very similar in Windows 8, 8.1 so have a Google. I have had the same issue with a couple of...
  11. Cloudy1

    Two New Different ASUS laptops give me the same clickpad issue and I can't fix it

    Here is a thread link which I believe might also be able to assist you then: Obiously this thread is not in relation to your model and in fact is even slightly unrelated to your exact issue, however it may be worth a...
  12. Cloudy1

    Two New Different ASUS laptops give me the same clickpad issue and I can't fix it

    Hi there, First of all I will be honest with you and let you know that I do not own one of the models you are talking about. That being said, I will assume that when you say "clickpad" that you are actually referring to the touchpad - if this is correct then it seems that with a brief Google...
  13. Cloudy1

    need replacement screen for 75"samsung uhd smart tv

    I have copied and pasted the following excerpt from another recent thread I have answered on these forums: The cost to replace a Samsung TV screen ... IF you get VERY LUCKY and can even find one in the first place that is ... would cost nearly as much as a new TV and therefore it is really not...
  14. Cloudy1

    How many times do I restart the laptop before I'd see the Auto repair option?

    If there is a problem then it should automatically go to the Advance Startup Options after two consecutive failed startup attempts. However, a forced shutdown two or three times while the machine is trying to boot should get you in there. I.e., Forced shutdown = hold the Power button down...
  15. Cloudy1

    Windows won't boot on Toshiba Laptop, I have tried F12

    What @HamsterKing said + Original OS when you purchased ? -> If so do you know if the recovery partition is in tact?