Recent content by Co BIY

  1. C

    News Lenovo joins growing China exodus as manufacturers flee US tariffs — OEM moving production lines to India

    My understanding is that Indian labor costs are currently lower than Chinese.
  2. C

    News Startup claims its Zeus GPU is 10X faster than Nvidia's RTX 5090: Bolt's first GPU coming in 2026 Strong team with qualifications. Remember the product they put out last year?
  3. C

    News Startup claims its Zeus GPU is 10X faster than Nvidia's RTX 5090: Bolt's first GPU coming in 2026

    In my Powerpoints the GPUs I'm developing will also beat NVidia products around 2028. My planned GPU will not be exactly 10x better though. 12.4 x better because with the new level of compute available marketers will no longer have to use such simple multipliers. The only tricky part is...
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    News Lenovo joins growing China exodus as manufacturers flee US tariffs — OEM moving production lines to India

    You give the US President too much credit (or demerit) in this case. I think this story is about Indian market growth and Indian policy success. Those policy successes are the result of fairly similar tactics that the US is attempting to use. Incentives, Legal requirements. political...
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    News Lenovo joins growing China exodus as manufacturers flee US tariffs — OEM moving production lines to India

    Was Lenovo saying they are closing their five Chinese plants to open one in India to manufacture all their PCs for sale worldwide ? That's how the headline and article reads but it seems more likely they were announcing that all PCs for the Indian market would in the future be made in India...
  6. C

    News Elon Musk ally leading CHIPS Act office purge — only 14% of original staff remain after dismissals

    What percentage of workers is the President allowed to fire ? 5% - 50% How many should he force to stay who don't want to ?
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    News Games might shift entirely to digital because of the 25% tariffs on imported discs

    How tariff's will operate work on software/IP purchases is interesting and a good question but this article is focused on Physical media. I think the effect on tariffs for physical media should be negligible since it is a such a low "value add". The goal of the US Tariff policy appears to...
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    News Games might shift entirely to digital because of the 25% tariffs on imported discs

    Tariff would be on the value of the imported component. Physical disc and packaging and would not be much. Not total price unless the IP was Mexican. Kerbal Space ? I'm sure there are others.
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    News Chinese lawmaker proposes law to allow Chinese companies to hide their foreign suppliers

    Some CCP policies are flexible and others are existential.
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    News Former Intel directors strongly oppose TSMC takeover, call for Intel fabs spinoff

    I think Intel would need the process lead before a successful spin off. Otherwise its just a used ASML machine sale. But if they had the lead they wouldn't have the need.
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    2TB MSI Spatium M461 SSD is on sale for $84 — just 4 cents per GB

    Still hard to get past the name.
  12. C

    News Former Intel directors strongly oppose TSMC takeover, call for Intel fabs spinoff

    A TSMC takeover would probably not work for a large number of reasons . It would also never be approved by regulators for creating a huge monopoly in this critical space.
  13. C

    News Meta defends using pirated material, claims it's legal if you don't seed content

    Are you talking about the laws against piracy or carjacking ?