Recent content by Collieman2

  1. C

    [SOLVED] TRIM not working

    CountMike, Thanks for the tip. That I will do.
  2. C

    [SOLVED] TRIM not working

    The drive is configured AHCI in the BIOS. I don't know what the board is. It's an HP laptop model W7v75UA. TRIM used to work but not anymore. Wondering it's because of the 2004 update.
  3. C

    [SOLVED] TRIM not working

    TRIM isn't working anymore for me. I have TRIM enabled using command prompt/admin. I tried to run it manually with the command "Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter C -ReTrim -Verbose" but no go. I also tried to run it using C/properties/tools/ optimize but it won't run there either. I checked event...