Recent content by conanstwin

  1. C

    Valve Delays Portal 2 Again

    "Portal Forever" The cake is worth the wait.
  2. C

    Is AMD Resurrecting the ATI Brand?

    Wait, the ATI brand was dead?
  3. C

    A USB Charger That's Close to Your Heart

    I'm not even angry I'm being so sincere right now even though you broke my heart and killed me and torn into pieces and threw every piece into a fire as they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
  4. C

    UCSC Students Creating Killer StarCraft Bot

    This is for the contest EIS at UCSC is hosting. There are lots of entries that deserve stories as well. It will be more interesting to see who wins.
  5. C

    Nvidia: OEMs to Blame for Re-branding GPUs

    The sole purpose of complete rebranding is to in some form decieve the customer. The practice is unethical and should be stopped unless there actually are "significant" differences, which there aren't any here. An acceptable practice for example is to take the original name and place "OC" on it...
  6. C

    Assassin's Creed II for PC Locked Down by DRM

    This is a natural step in the right direction. No more activation limits or other disc in the drive silliness. Just use it on as many PCs or laptops, or friends' computers or whatever. Only one place at a time plays. That respects Fair Use so much better while still protecting the reason ($)...