Recent content by Connorwarman

  1. C

    Will this heatsink fit on my current CPU?

    Title says it all, my current stock heatsink is not very good..and I am purchasing a new one. Will this heatsink fit on my current CPU? Heatsink...
  2. C

    [New Build] On a Budget and a newb

    I was thinking about this. It's a little over my budget but I can make do.
  3. C

    [New Build] On a Budget and a newb

  4. C

    [New Build] On a Budget and a newb

    Hello all, Im rather new to computer building as this is my first build. I need some advice, I plan on upgrading with a $400 budget in mind, Im looking for a decent gaming build. So here is what I have now. What could I get...