Recent content by Cptcribbs

  1. C

    Building Computer For average user

    Cool! I think that is about all I need to know! Thank you two so much for the quick and helpful response. I will be dropping the SSD and going a little higher on the MoBo. I think i am going got end up keeping the ram at 4 gb, most intense thing my mom does on her comp is watching youtube. This...
  2. C

    Building Computer For average user

    Hey thanks for the input so far. Couple things to add. This is to replace her old computer. No gaming will be done on the computer and things like monitor and internet and such will be already taken care of. In regards to the SSD I was wondering if I should just switch to the hybrid instead of...
  3. C

    Building Computer For average user

    Hey Everyone, I am building a computer for my mom and wanted some feedback on the components of the machine before I bought them, mainly to make sure they are compatible or and that I am not overlooking something. I have done a fair amount of research but I have never built a computer on...