Recent content by crinkdude

  1. crinkdude

    [HELP]Accidentally cleaned Windows 7

    Can't see the picture
  2. crinkdude

    [HELP]Accidentally cleaned Windows 7

    Try reading this... I don't have the tool on this PC.
  3. crinkdude

    [HELP]Accidentally cleaned Windows 7

    I don't like recuva as much since you can't really recover whole partitions. but yea for windows 7 you should have at least 2 partitions so one for boot and one for you C: Did you try EaseUS or just recuva? There's also Paragon that might be able to help I'm off to work so good luck ;)
  4. crinkdude

    has son has just got 180 + virus;s in win 10..HELP :(

    Run also ADWCleaner, Hitman Pro, rkill, your antivirus and have a nice day i'm going to work so good luck once again ;)
  5. crinkdude

    Keep Windows 7 Revert Files Longer

    Best option to do is to make a backup image of the OS before upgrading. Either Macrium Reflect or Paragon are good for this. If you have sometime and a spare drive, clone your Windows 10 to it and on that drive restore to Windows 7 and make a backup of it from there. Or you could probably...
  6. crinkdude

    Blue Screen Of Death

    I have never tried this but try going into the repair/advanced boot or whatever it's called, load the command window and try to open msconfig. then try changing the boot to a safe boot. if it boots after that, try playing around with it from there, maybe you could remove loaded drivers or...
  7. crinkdude

    [HELP]Accidentally cleaned Windows 7

    EaseUS partition something is good for recovering lost files or partitions. try something like that but don't play around too much cause the more you do less are the chances of recovering.
  8. crinkdude

    I'm an administrator on my pc but I can't delete files and it keeps on saying you need permission.

    use hiren's boot to load a mini xp and remove it that way ;)
  9. crinkdude

    has son has just got 180 + virus;s in win 10..HELP :(

    Also if it is malware, if you use google chrome, it usually get load of stuff in it main foler so uninstall it and delete it,s folder ( appdata\ local\google\chrome) Hey good look
  10. crinkdude

    has son has just got 180 + virus;s in win 10..HELP :(

    Usually what happens is after a free download, people install loads of malware with the main program they wanted. Look at what has been installed lately. If you see loads of rubbish, download revo uninstaller pro(free for 30 days) and remove and what is not good. When you remove programs with...
  11. crinkdude

    beeping noise and hdd won't appear

    I once saw a disk that tried to start but the PSU was failed so it did not send enough power to make it run. Could try switching PSU but the freezer trick is if you know the disk is failed. It does sometimes work as I have had to try it many times but you have to act quickly as the disk heats...
  12. crinkdude

    beeping noise and hdd won't appear

    If you can't access it, try putting it in a sealed bag (I use anti static bags for HDDs) and then in the freezer overnight. Try plugging it in afterwards and seeing if you can access your files. If you can copy them as quick as possible or clone the drive onto another using something like...