Recent content by CruelFives

  1. CruelFives

    Question Random black screen and PC shutdowns ?

    One more update (hopefully) Went with a friend to just look at the computer, cpu temperature sitting at 70 on BIOS. Found out the sticker was still on the cpu cooler after a second look. We took it off and reapplied the paste, hopefully that was the only issue. Will mark this solved if i dont...
  2. CruelFives

    Question Random black screen and PC shutdowns ?

    Update: Ran Overwatch 2 for about an hour and a half, no issues. Started to install games from my Steam Library, (was on Wallpaper Engine) and shut down during the update process. Same symptoms as before. The only installs I have are browsers, LG and Razer Synapse programs, and Steam/Discord...
  3. CruelFives

    Question Random black screen and PC shutdowns ?

    Have proceeded with reinstalling the BIOS, clearing CMOS, and then an offline install of Windows 11 (I'm now locked out of using my product key because a "change in hardware 0xC0EA000A", but saw that waiting a few hours helps) Currently Installing clean Graphics Drivers for my GPU, and will...
  4. CruelFives

    Question Random black screen and PC shutdowns ?

    Hello, I am having issues with my new PC i built over the weekend shutting down at random intervals. This has happened coincidentally playing a game such as Overwatch 2, but I have also had it shut down during Ghost of Tsushima, as well as random times after a fresh boot (maybe 5 minutes?)...