Recent content by CustomBiohazard

  1. CustomBiohazard

    [SOLVED] RTX 3070/3080 support for i7 4770K?

    Hey guys, I've been out of the loop for a while, having built my PC here about 5 or 6 years ago, with thanks towards this community for helping me build a PC when I was just 14. I've been kind of out of the loop with new hardware to an extent, but I'm looking into upgrading and was wondering...
  2. CustomBiohazard

    Corsair H105 with Push/Pull and Air 540?

    Hey, for Christmas I am considering getting a water cooler, it will be my first water cooler and I'm still kind of sketchy about it, just worried for leaks and stuff, so I decided to go with an AIO for now, and I have to ask, for any of you with AIO water coolers, are they good and are they...
  3. CustomBiohazard

    Computer boots to American Megatrends Screen?

    Whenever I boot my PC up, it shows the "American Megatrends" screen, when it should be booting into Windows 7 on my SSD. It also says "CPU Fan Error!", which could be the issue but my Cooler Master 212 Hyper 212 EVO seems to be working fine. (Also my motherboard is the Asus Maximus VI Hero Z87...
  4. CustomBiohazard

    Would a Corsair H105 fit in my case?

    Hey, it's been roughly 2-3 months since I built my PC, it runs flawlessly, I want to move to watercooling very soon, I am not intending on a full watercooling rig, I just want to watercooler my processor for now, and I don't want to do any custom watercooling mods just yet and I was looking into...
  5. CustomBiohazard

    Can't see HDD's on "Computer"?

    Okay, when I right-click the HDD's the only options I get are "New Simple Volume,New Spanned Volume,New Striped Volume,Properties and Help" No primary partition, the SSD is already the primary partition aswell, what do I do from here?
  6. CustomBiohazard

    Can't see HDD's on "Computer"?

    Hi, I've built my gaming PC today and I have all the drivers installed and Windows Update up to date, but whenever I go onto "Computer" I can't find my HDD's, I can only see my 1 SSD that I installed the OS on, the computer recognized my 2 2TB Seagate Barracuda HDD's, but how can I put them on...
  7. CustomBiohazard

    Budget Gaming PC Build for £700?

    Hey, my friend is new to gaming on the PC and he wants to build a gaming PC for £700 or so, this including the monitor and OS. He would prefer to have Intel to AMD regarding Processors and NVIDIA to AMD regarding graphics, he will be buying from Amazon UK or Overclockers UK, so can you guys...
  8. CustomBiohazard

    Are these specs compatible, will they fit into the case and are they good enough for gaming on high/ultra settings?

    Meh, just prefer Corsair as I am getting a Corsair Case and RAM aswell :P But overall--do you think I will be able to play games on high/ultra with the card for the moment? I will be going SLI or upgrading to a 780 over time anyway, but just for now, don't want to go too expensive, as it's my...
  9. CustomBiohazard

    Are these specs compatible, will they fit into the case and are they good enough for gaming on high/ultra settings?

    Hi, I am buying my first Gaming PC specs later today and I just want to verify that all the specs are compatible,fit in the case and are good enough for gaming on high/ultra settings? Note I will be doing some recording/editing/rendering too so note that some things may be overkill but I kinda...