Recent content by DaleH

  1. D

    Question After build red-yellow light

    Since the only difference is that you attached the motherboard to the case, one would suspect one of the mounting screws may be shorting something out, or possibley flexing the motherboard to create a problem.
  2. D

    Question PC fans running and black screen ?

    Replace the CMOS battery. Even if it's not the cause of this problem, it's likely past the end of life.
  3. D

    Question high end computer giving lots of problems. crashes/sudden shutdowns ect

    I'm not sure what overloading means. You should be able to monitor memory usage, disk accesses. active processes, etc. It's likely that something is changing at the time the problem occurs. That something should give a clue as to the possible causes.
  4. D

    Question high end computer giving lots of problems. crashes/sudden shutdowns ect

    What are the perfectly fine temperatures? What is performance monitor and task manager telling you?
  5. D

    Question New build - - - CPU LED is lit and no boot ?

    Check the PSU voltages.
  6. D

    Question high end computer giving lots of problems. crashes/sudden shutdowns ect

    If the problem is only in games, what is the temps of gpu and cpu? It sounds like you're able to reproduce the problem. If so, check using performance monitor and task manager and reproduce the problem.
  7. D

    Question PC sudden loss of power, failure to boot and fan kept turning on and off ?

    It sounds like your PSU is not the problem, but that doesn't mean you don'e have a power problem. I'd suggest that you measure the voltages with a digital voltmeter. It could be a device external to the PSU is loading it down. In that case, swapping out the PSU would not resolve the problem.
  8. D

    Question Computer Crashes then Restarts, no BSOD. Kernel 41 in Event Viewer

    I'm thinking this is good advice. The problems appeared after replacing the CPU. I suspect this CPU requires more power than the previous one.
  9. D

    Question PC crash help while gaming help please

    Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.
  10. D

    Question PC crash help while gaming help please

    If this is the first time that you've really had problems, I might not be concered. I would try to get more information about what is happening when the problem occurs. Can you reproduce the problem. If so, use task manager and performance monitor to see if they can point you in the right...
  11. D

    Question Jumper Setting Bricked My Server

    It's common for a server to be powered continuously. Probably unrelated, but if it's been in storage, I'd replace the CMOS battery.
  12. D

    Question PC random restarts issue ?

    "Thermaltake TRS-600AH2NK 600W 80+ PSU with 12cm Fan. I have been using it since 2019 and there were no problems with my old computer." FWIW, this is not conclusive proof. Your old PC would have presented a different load to the PSU.
  13. D

    Question PC only starts directly after turning on power

    You are likely correct. If the crimp connector on one of the Agreed. If there were to be a low voltage on one of the voltages with both PSUs installed, that could be a clue to where to look next. That would indicate that both PSUs were ok but something external to them is causing the...