Recent content by danimaro95

  1. danimaro95

    Question Help about a rgb gpu support

    Thanks for taking the time to explain, I'll check my motherboard specs then.
  2. danimaro95

    Question Help about a rgb gpu support

    Hello! Thanks for answering, I understand what you mean, my question is which one to choose according to my PSU and where exactly on it plug it, my psu only have 8 pins and 6 pins, and a rgb out socket so i don't really understand which is the correct option to choose.
  3. danimaro95

    Question Help about a rgb gpu support

    Hi! I'm looking for some help in case anyone knows about the subject. I recently bought a new gpu, and I would like to put one of those vertical supports on it, as I really don't want to spend a lot and I want something visually decent I searched on Aliexpress, I found one that caught my...