Recent content by daspork

  1. D

    Screeching Noise from PC

    Tried different cables connecting the power supplies to the wall as well as different outlets. Running out of ideas.
  2. D

    Screeching Noise from PC

    I disabled all of the fans one by one until all were off and the noise was still there. The noise also started before the PSU fan kicked in. I put my ear right next to the PSU and the noise is distinctly coming from it. Since my old PSU, which never made a noise before, made a noise in my new...
  3. D

    Screeching Noise from PC

    I recently built a new PC (5280k,Gigabyte 970, HX850). I noticed that only under load, both using Heaven benchmark and in games such as CS:GO, there is a high pitched screeching noise that is emitted. So after remembering that 970s have been known for having coil whine issues I swapped out my...
  4. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    Just want to thank you guys for your help, especially Proximon, got my new MOBO installed and everything started up. Also installing a fresh copy of Windows 7.
  5. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    So if I buy a new license (which I will since I have a OEM version), will I just have to wipe my current OS drive in the BIOS, then install the new OS like normal? Trying to make sure I don't screw anything else up.
  6. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    Ok, so I ordered a new motherboard because I had no other way to try a known working one. I got a Asus Sabertooth Z77. Will there be problems when I try to boot with my SSD that has my OS on it? I have read it might not work but only if I replaced the motherboard and the CPU. Just trying to...
  7. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    I do have one more question. I just noticed that when I plug my ethernet cable in, the orange light on the port lights up. Now can that happen if my motherboard is dead? Or is just part of my board dead and that is why the ethernet port light, lights up?
  8. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    Best answer selected by DaSpork.
  9. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    Thanks Proximon, this is my first PC built so it is just mind boggeling to me that a motherboard can fail when its not that old. Is there something that I could have done that made it die or is just something that happens.
  10. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    Just tried that and nothing happened. Tried the reset button on the motherboard and tried clearing the CMOS. Stil nothing.
  11. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    Took video car out, left 1 stick of RAM, took all other cards out, and disconnected anything else that wasn't needed, still nothing. Also don't have another computer to test components on. I am thinking it is the motherboard that is dead, cause nothing happens no matter what I do. The PSU fan...
  12. D

    Nothing Happens When I Push my PC's Power Button

    So a little back story to what happened. I built my own PC about 8 months ago and for that whole time, have had zero problems with it. Now about 4 days ago my computer was in sleep mode one day and out of nowhere, it powered back on all of a sudden. I thought this was really strange and then...