Recent content by DAXgs2

  1. D

    Inaccessible Boot Device after cmos clear

    5 Restarts and 2 shut downs later, it booted normal every time! So either the magic computer ghost fixed it or the hard reset I did when I went into the wrong menu. Either way, I feel extremely uneasy because I feel like the problem could come back anytime. I guess if and when it does, I will...
  2. D

    Inaccessible Boot Device after cmos clear

    Well the ram is working now. Only issue has been the boot up. But I am going to try restarting and see where that gets me. Hopefully no issues, but again, I am not holding my breath.
  3. D

    Inaccessible Boot Device after cmos clear

    Here is exactly what happened. I typed Bootrec.exe/ScanOs into cmd, and it said Windows was not found on any drive. I restarted, and figured I would try the default configuration for boot priority, so I just "restored default" settings in bios to reset the boot priority. Please note, that I have...
  4. D

    Inaccessible Boot Device after cmos clear

    Booted into cmd promt and typed chkdsk /f and it says the drive is write protected. Upon running /c, "CHKDSK FOUND BAD ON DISK UPPER CASE TABLE" But cant run /f because of write protection..
  5. D

    Inaccessible Boot Device after cmos clear

    I have lost it, I feel like I have been in so many circles, that I am missing the joke right in front of me.. Long story short.. I purchased 2 new ram sticks (2x8gb) to match a pair I already have installed. I already had 32 GB's of DDR4 2133, but 2 different brands, I wanted the same. So I...
  6. D

    Looking for opinions on a new build I am thinking about.

    Hello everyone. It has been about 15 years since I last built a PC from the ground up. I am sick of my current set up and its time to build a new one. I do play games, and so do my kids. These games include wow, cod, FO4 etc. Nothing insane or any multi boxing or anything. I do use adobe...