Recent content by Delhu

  1. D

    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Quick update to close the topic. I ended up rebuilding my PC (again), using my components and my friend's CPU. PC booted just fine and everything is working as before. TLDR: CPU was the culprit
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Ok, so I rebuild my PC with my friend's mobo but got similar results: first boot post rebuild, I got a qcode 35, second one a 04 and third one after a clear cmos, a 04 again. I guess I can rule out the mobo. My friend also gave me his old cpu (which is a 6700k, as mine) and his ram. What should...
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    I managed to get my hands on the same mobo (old one from a friend). I plan on rebuilding my pc with it. Is there any reason I should not do it (ie to avoid toasting this newish mobo)?
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Bad news indeed.. Could the mobo start malfunctionning 2 years after my GPU died? There was no visible marks (burn for instance) on the mobo and I used the PC as usual in the last 2 years. I also tried removing the battery (following the procedure in the stickied post). PC initially did not...
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Not at the moment no. I could ask a friend to come over with his to test it. Do you think it is the culprit?
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Tried all 7 on the back panel but keyboard is not powered. Also tried pressing F2 or DEL to enter the bios.
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    code 99. Boot device led on. On screen, I see the ROG logo and the prompt to enter the bios. Both are out.
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Thank you for the support. Did everything apart from changing the power cord (I did not find a spare one). PSU was bought new in 2015. I left one stick in A2 and initially got a 55. Shut off and put the other stick in A2 -> 09. I tried again with the first stick to be sure: 09 too. I guess I did...
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    [SOLVED] 7-year old PC does not boot anymore after crash, different q-codes ?

    Hey guys, I built my PC in 2015: Asus Maximus Hero VIII i7-6700k 2*8gb Gskill Ripjaws 2133 850 evo (with os) 970 evo plus (bought 1-2y ago) Seagate Barracuda 5700xt (bought 2y ago after my 980ti "blew up" while gaming) Asus AC-88 WiFi Card Superflower Platinum (850w I think) No recent hardware...
  10. D

    [SOLVED] Bought a faster ssd. Should I migrate windows?

    Thank you everyone for your input. I found @USAFRet video quite insightful; I was thinking that the difference between a sata ssd and a nmve one would be more significant. I went with my initial idea given comments from @USAFRet and @Karadjgne : I kept the OS and softwares on the 850 and will...
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    [SOLVED] Bought a faster ssd. Should I migrate windows?

    @USAFRet : my initial idea was to keep the OS on the 850 as well as drivers and most if not all of the softs (brave, steam, antivirus/malwares ...), and install my games on the nvme. But a friend of mine had the same reaction as @Leptir and told me to just put everything on the nvme. Hence my...
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    [SOLVED] Bought a faster ssd. Should I migrate windows?

    Hey guys, OS is currently installed on a 500gb 850 evo (I also have a 2tb hdd). I just bought a 970 evo plus 2tb. Should I "migrate" (ie uninstall and reinstall) windows on the 970? Or it won't make a meaningful difference to justify the hassle? (I plan to keep using the 850) Thanks, Delhu
  13. D

    Question Find which component has burned

    Hey guys, I've found the culprit and it was indeed the GPU: View: Local reseller told me it was unfortunately beyond repair. I've reassemble my PC without it and it's running fine. Now to find (and buy....) a new card.
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    Question Find which component has burned

    Hey guys, So I've removed the gpu, the cpu cooler and its backplate, and cleaned the thermal paste. No sign of burn on the CPU. I haven't removed the mobo from the case but I checked for any burn mark or melted plastic: nothing. The PSU does not smell anything and there is no visible burn sign...
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    Question Find which component has burned

    Oh yes, sorry, forgot about my specs: CPU: i7 6700k CPU cooler: beQuiet shadow rock slim GPU: 980ti g1 gaming mobo: Asus maximus hero VIII PSU: superflower 80 plus platinum ram: gskill ripjaws 5 2x8 chassis: corsair 750d OS: windows 10 pro ssd: samsung 850 evo basic hdd: Seagate barracuda...