Recent content by devoursoul_25

  1. D

    My CPU is Overheating

    hmm in that case that is probably my best bet which would you recommend for this processor ?
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    My CPU is Overheating

    TY for the replies nope i didnt overclock it no its not the 4570k the fan is seated correctly as it has always been like that ever since pretty sure the thermal paste was applied correctly the airflow seems fine what might have caused this? is it the processor failing? again thanks
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    My CPU is Overheating

    I have an intel core i5 4570 that reaches a minimum of 41-50C when idle and a whopping 80-100C when playing games that arent even that demanding like csgo. it takes a few minutes for it to start causing lag in the game when it is at 100C. I have tried reseating the fan and reapplying thermal...
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    Mouse drivers uninstalled (what to do)

    So I uninstalled the mouse and keyboard drivers because it wasnt working on normal windows and only worked on safe mode now it wont reinstall for some reason what must i do ? Actually I just checked safe mode and it actually works but the problem is it doesnt work on normal windows still
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    ASUS GTX 770 VS Zotac GTX 970 (your Choice ?)

    Which runs better in current pc games like GTAV and Battlefield Hardline and which card will be a much better choice in terms of Price to performance I would like to know because here in my country Tech parts like this are priced higher than they normally are and I would like to know which one...
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    Youtube slow on every video

    ive done that no virus detected i used "Malwarebytes" thanks for the suggestion
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    Youtube slow on every video

    Well I have 5mbps internet speed and its supposed to load 480p no problem but since last week I have noticed a really big slow down on every video ive been watching it is so slow that only 240p is set in auto res and it still buffers I think its not my isp's fault cause ive checked net speeds...
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    My ps4 just died?

    Was playing destiny until my ps4 just shutdown randomly and when I tried to turn it on Nothing happens No beeps no light no nothing As if it was not plugged in Any speaking of plugged in i have tried replugging the power and also the HDMI and still nothing Warranty is already voided for me...
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    Should I get a PS4 or Upgrade my pc with a gtx 980 (for College)

    So Im about to go to college and I would like to know which one is better to get I have about a thousand dollars to spend but obviously I probably dont wanna spend it all in one thing. What does the community have to say about this. You guys are totally entitled to your own opinion and free to...
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    Radeon R9 270x devil edition crashing on all games

    I dont really know how to measure my temps in the CPU but for the GPU I use MSI afterburner and its says 35 C on Idle and 55 - 65 C on full load
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    Radeon R9 270x devil edition crashing on all games

    Wait so If an average user were to use this card then hed probably RMA it lol cause it is by default set to 1180 but yes sir Martell1977 I did think of that too but then i tried something else I Deleted my driver and reinstalled it choosing custom and only installing the driver and I also...
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    Radeon R9 270x devil edition crashing on all games

    I've had this card for about a year now and Ive been experiencing this problem ever since ive played BF4 (Which is actually my first game with this card) so strait to the point The card's default setting is.... 1180 ==> Coreclock and 1400 ==> memclock If the card is set to the default any game...