Recent content by Doomish

  1. D

    Question PC must be completely power cycled in order to boot- PSU problem?

    I see, I see. How would I go about diagnosing that? What are some things I could try to see if the motherboard is the problem?
  2. D

    Question PC must be completely power cycled in order to boot- PSU problem?

    Hi there. Recently I've been having a strange issue with my computer and I'm wondering if the PSU might be the culprit. Basically, my computer doesn't even post unless I cut the power each time I turn it off. I hit the power button, the fans and hard drives spin up and some of the peripherals...
  3. D

    Question Does this sound indicate a defective hard drive?

    That's the strange thing. Crystaldiskmark shows normal speeds and a drive health check doesn't report anything wrong. It also makes the noise even when it's at 0% utilization, when seemingly nothing is accessing it. I'll contact Seagate support and see if it sounds normal to them but in the...
  4. D

    Question Does this sound indicate a defective hard drive?

    Hello, I ordered a Seagate Barracuda Pro 10TB 7200RPM hard drive from Amazon recently, and installing it today led to some strange results. It reads and writes data at the expected speeds and it formatted just fine, but it's making a noise that is kind of worrying me. Listen below...
  5. D

    Question Why does my computer refuse to boot if I run my ram at advertised speeds? (xmp enabled)

    Hello. I'm having a headscratcher of an issue and I think someone with more experience than me might be able to help me diagnose my problem. I have 48gb of Corsair Vengeance RAM (DDR4, 3200mhz, 16x2 + 8x2) in an ASRock X470 Taichi motherboard, and my computer just plain refuses to boot if I...
  6. D

    How do I boot from an old hard drive in an entirely new computer?

    That's unfortunate. My contingency in case it didn't end up being possible was as follows: Do a fresh Windows install on the new hard drive with his install CD and wipe the one that is currently on there (bloatware trash and all), and then move his personal files over from the old drive to the...
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    How do I boot from an old hard drive in an entirely new computer?

    Hello. My grandpa went out and bought a pre-built HP Pavilion desktop computer, and wants to take the hard drive out of his old PC and use it in the new one. He brought me over to help him with this but immediately I ran into a couple problems: 1. The old hard drive won't successfully boot, and...
  8. D

    How do I schedule a task to run indefinitely? (Win 10 64-bit)

    That worked! However, I think I'd rather not go this route after all because it is extremely inefficient and generates a CMD prompt a thousand miles long in seconds. Can anyone think of a better way than what I have devised? Maybe the alternative method I suggested?
  9. D

    How do I schedule a task to run indefinitely? (Win 10 64-bit)

    Hello. I'm having a weird task scheduler problem that I think some more savvy folks out there might be able to help with. I'm having this weird issue where my internet disconnects just long enough to drop my connection, but not long enough to trigger Windows to reconnect automatically when it...
  10. D

    Windows 10 (x64) Disables My GPU On Startup

    I used DDU to remove everything, then reinstalled it all from scratch including Geforce Experience, and now it says I have the current driver version in both device manager and geforce experience. The trouble is, that didn't change anything, I've still got the same problem.
  11. D

    Windows 10 (x64) Disables My GPU On Startup

    Whoops, clicked the wrong button and selected an answer. I tried that before each of those attempts I mentioned, no dice unfortunately.
  12. D

    Windows 10 (x64) Disables My GPU On Startup

    Hello, recently I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7, and it's nice so far, but there's one glaring issue that's hampering my enjoyment significantly. Every time I turn the computer on, Windows disables my GPU with error code 43. I can tell this has happened because only one of my two monitors will...