Recent content by duoni20021

  1. D

    is that normal my fps drops to 40-50 when it rains?assassins creed 4

    im playing it with 1080P ultra settings except pyhsx shut down, with a 780ti SLI, 3930k, 16G Gskill, but it just dont always stay with 62 fps, it drops sometimes in town, for example the bar in nassau, or when it rains, the fps drops to around 40-50, whats wrong with this game?:??: i checked the...
  2. D

    Guyss help me to choose :)

    so 4770k it is, hope it can handle 3 years :)
  3. D

    Guyss help me to choose :)

    Im going to use this pc for a long time like 3 years, for GAMING. with my wallet, should i get two evga 780tis, also one 4770k, 32gb corsair pro ram, z87 sabertooth Or better just two 780 lightning sli, 4930k, x79 sabertooth and 16g corsair pro? Help to choose thanks:wahoo: