Recent content by durgesh86

  1. durgesh86

    New PC Troubles...

  2. durgesh86

    Cannot Set RAM Frequency past 1600mhz

    One thing you can try ..or rather only thing i can think of ...which should work ... Reset the BIOS by that i mean remove the CMOS battery ...let it rest for a few seconds or a minute and reconnect the battery and try again.
  3. durgesh86

    Lag when opening files

  4. durgesh86

    New PC Troubles...

  5. durgesh86

    New PC Troubles...

  6. durgesh86

    New PC build

  7. durgesh86

    Corsair CX600M & GTX 960

    If its just a connector you are looking for just search for "Gpu 6 pin to 8 pin". It'll cost you somewhere around $20. But as far as i know the PSU does have a 6+2 pin so you should be able to attach it. I have a VS650 and it does have the connection for 6+2. What i mean is if it does not have a...
  8. durgesh86

    Stutter when moving/looking around in games

    Hi, This may be caused because of settings in your GPU drivers. Open AMD catalyst, reset all settings to default and change game settings to Application controlled. Another option is to enable v sync and try. enable fxaa If nothing works then reduce the resolution and check if it helps. Let me...
  9. durgesh86

    Monitor randomly losing signal

    It seems to be a resolution issue the way you described it. A very obvious question .... Did you update your GPU drivers ? Is yes then uninstall completely and reinstall. Before that reset setting in NVIDIA. Change to a lower resolution. If it happens only during gameplay then reduce the...
  10. durgesh86

    New PC build

    Well the type of cooling will very well depend on the CPU. Overclocking by how much ? Is it going to be overclocked continuously or sometimes during heavy use ? However, evo 212 will do nicely for slight or normal overclocking with a little temp increase. If you are going to push the CPU to its...
  11. durgesh86

    PC randomly freezing/crashing when playin

    Since the PC crashes (reboots) it means there is a software or hardware failure. In this case lets consider software first as you can play other games without any issues. To identify the issue first and foremost disable restart on system failure. System properties >Advanced system settings >...
  12. durgesh86

    New PC Troubles...

    Sorry, I also wanted to ask you what BSod you get. I mean the error. What you can do is Open System Properties(RightClick > Computer) > Advanced System Settings >Advanced Tab > Startup and Recovery >. There you'll see an option to disable automatic restart in case of system failure. This might...
  13. durgesh86

    Lag when opening files

    Hi, Does this happen in all folders or a specific folder in Windows Explorer ? If it is specific check folder properties and set it to General Items If it happens in all folder try the safe mode. If it works well in safe mode then it means a third party software (Non-MS) is acting up. You'll...
  14. durgesh86

    serious problems with gtx970-windows 10 drivers

    Hi, as @cin19 mentioned the PSU is important. Would be very helpful. Also would like to know that when you said clean install, was that Clean install the entire OS or only drivers ? If you have clean installed the OS and still getting the same issue then it definitely seems to be a hardware...