Recent content by Eduard_15

  1. E

    Does this 1151 socket looks okay?

    When I turn on my computer it frequently won't show any video and keyboard and mouse won't show any lights whatsoever. (sometimes everything works fine though, it's random). I tried only cpu+psu+mobo+ram and still no video (though mobo lights and fans seem to work) I took a picture of the...
  2. E

    How come my body interferes with wifi?

    Thanks for both answers, I really wanted to confirm that what I presumed to be happening had some logic behind. My room is reduced, but I'll try to build something so the computer is at a higher position than my shoulders. And see what happens.
  3. E

    How come my body interferes with wifi?

    I have a desktop computer with a USB wifi antenna, my connection is constantly dropping, but the weird thing is that as soon as I move away from computer (let's say 1 or 2 meters away) the website that got stuck loading finally loads. Sometimes I have multiple tabs open (spotify, whatsapp...