Recent content by Enjoyriotman

  1. Enjoyriotman

    Question Ssd infinity rollback (cant wipe ssd)

    Yeah man After clean command i got the success message but after reboot my ssd it still is on the previous state
  2. Enjoyriotman

    Question Ssd infinity rollback (cant wipe ssd)

    I've bought a new Ssd intenso 120gb....Installed windows 10 64x and 5 days afters a blue screen appears....somehow after this bsod any change i made on this drive like install or uninstall programs won't have any effect.Every time my pc opens its just before the bsod...i tried everything...
  3. Enjoyriotman

    Tried everything to clear my SSD but nothing happens

    Man i have the same issue on a brand new intenso ssd 120gb....5 days ago the ssd was fine and smooth...i dunno man maybe a refund...if you find anything respond man i am kind of desperate