Recent content by EriksenDrul

  1. EriksenDrul

    Question What is happening with my Computer? Faulty PSU?

    And you still use it? I dont understand what is happening
  2. EriksenDrul

    Question What is happening with my Computer? Faulty PSU?

    I edited my first post and listed the specs. I am pretty sure the PSU is less than 4 years old. But not far from it. The new PSU is a CEPTER PRIME 750 W 80+ BRONZE I have not heard of Cepter before but i did read some reviews and most people are happy about it, and it was the only one they had...
  3. EriksenDrul

    Question What is happening with my Computer? Faulty PSU?

    This morning i tried turning on my computer and this happens: View: These are the exact steps i took afterwards I turned the PSU unit off with the switch on the back I turned the PSU unit on with the switch on the back and tried...