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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      So if I take the emmc chip out and put it in a emmc reader, I would not be able to restore any data from it?
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      I was not able to see the emmc in sergei strelec but it was so many programs and I just tried archbang instead. With archbang i can see...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      I Manged to boot from sergei strelec but I have no idea how to restore my files with it
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      So it works like sergei strelec and my files wont be deleted if I use it?
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      erkun12 reacted to ex_bubblehead's post in the thread Question Restore eMMC ? with Like Like.
      You must also keep in mind that emmc works just like SSD where any time the drive is powered up the garbage collection routines can kick...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      I really have to do all this? View: https://youtu.be/zeIBTKYrXQs?si=u_oLpg7gDOvTuB5m I thought I was just gonna put the usb in and...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      What happens if i choose the wrong ones? Can i still boot the PC from sergei strelec later? 1. Archbang is linux based yes. 2. My...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      Thanks for that. There are 3 different settings im not sure of: 1. Writing mode, iso image or DD mode? 2. Partition table: GPT (UEFI)...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      What drive? I only had coins on one laptop and thats the one i try to save
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      For those specific coin yes. I have never used exodus before and wanted to try it since they also have a swap in it,but of course i I...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      I moved some c r y p t o to exodus wallet on my laptop just a few days ago and had the words in a text file on the laptop, but that like...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      So you have not red my first post at all? I said what the reason was,that i have c r y p t o keys on it that I dont want someone else to...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      I have tried to switch to legacy mode as in this video but no sucsess. View: https://youtu.be/l1EeiAxxRa0?si=5sJBmvf6d-J3Xv0V I...
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      No way for you to know how much money i have. Been invested in c r y p t o since 2015 so.... Are talking 500k or 50 millon?
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      erkun12 replied to the thread Question Restore eMMC ?.
      So even if I was a terrorist and FBI wanted to restore the data, it would not be possible for them?
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