Recent content by Falxyar

  1. Falxyar

    Question Should I use single-channel 24GB of ram or dual-channel 16GB of ram?

    So, should I use the 16GBs because it will effectively give me a better performance with the dual channel, than having 24GBs of single? I would run tests, and I can obviously use some benchmarks, but as most games won't even come close to those 24GBs of ram, I can't for real test that in a...
  2. Falxyar

    Question Should I use single-channel 24GB of ram or dual-channel 16GB of ram?

    Hello, this is my first time ever in any forum asking anything in all my life, so please, forgive my ignorance, I would just like a direct answer on what I should be doing. Here's the situation. I've been slowly upgrading my PC over the years, started with most of the stuff I've got, and...