Recent content by Feel_Happy

  1. Feel_Happy

    What is your all time favorite war first person shooter?

    As far as War FPS games, I really like Battlefield 2 and Insurgency.
  2. Feel_Happy

    Razer Seiren or Blue Yeti?

    I'm gonna recommend the Yeti. I own one and they're fantastic.
  3. Feel_Happy

    ArmA 3 really low FPS

    Arma 3 is an incredibly intensive game. The game is also really weird about multiplayer games in that it's almost up to the server how well the game will perform. I'm running an I5 4670k and an nvidia 1070 and I get around the same fps on multiplayer servers. Sadly, it seems to be an...
  4. Feel_Happy

    Nvidia 1060 or 1070 for 1080p?

    Hello everyone! I'm planning to upgrade from my Nvidia 560 ti to a 1070 or 1060. I play Battlefront, Overwatch, and I want to add tons of mods to skyrim and the special edition when it comes out. I only play in 1080p, so I'm not sure if the 1070 is overkill or not. What do y'all think?
  5. Feel_Happy

    Changed psu and now pc won't start

    I fixed it!!! I had a couple cables in the wrong place.
  6. Feel_Happy

    Changed psu and now pc won't start

    It's tried three different sockets and two different cords. And the psu is set to 1.
  7. Feel_Happy

    Changed psu and now pc won't start

    Hey all,I bought a new psu today. I bought an EVGA 600w psu to replace my Thermaltake 430w psu. I thought I had everything plugged in properly, but it won't start. I tried putting the old one back but it won't work either. I have the cpu and motherboard cable plugged in, and the sata cords, and...
  8. Feel_Happy

    Is a 430w PSU enough for an Nvidia 960?

    Will my CPU and second HDD draw too much power?
  9. Feel_Happy

    Is a 430w PSU enough for an Nvidia 960?

    I'm considering getting an nvidia 960 sometime in the near future but I don't really want to buy a new PSU. Will my current 430w PSU be enough? I have an Intel 4670k, my current GPU is an AMD 7730 and I have two HDD's.
  10. Feel_Happy

    What is an emulator and do they work?

    This is true. This PS2 emulator will allow you to play all of your old ps2 games in HD. (If your pc is powerful enough)
  11. Feel_Happy

    Battlefield 2/2142 sounds skips like a cd

    Haha sadly I own neither. I'm waiting for Battlefront. :D Thanks for your help!
  12. Feel_Happy

    Noobie question about refresh rate HELP PLEASE!

    Well, unless you have a monitor that supports more than 60hz, those are your choices. Some monitors can do 30hz, but it's interlaced. May I ask why you need 30hz?
  13. Feel_Happy

    Discussion What's your favourite video game you've been playing?

    I kinda got addicted to AdVenture Capitalist...