Recent content by fillipo

  1. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    Hello again, im sorry if im bothering you but i need help, seasonic psu is not available in my country so i choose corsair RM1000X do you have any suggestions of pc cases that fit with my psu mother board and gpu? Thank you so much
  2. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    how about the seasonic with MSI MPG A1000GS ?
  3. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    Hello i wanted to buy new PSU and i want to know your opinion which one to choose between Seasonic focus gold gx-1000 / fx 1000 or corsair rm1000e Thank youu
  4. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    Man, thanks for the slap in the face. I will try to save up my money and buy one of your PSU recommendations. man thank you so much
  5. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    I think CPU GPU temp are fine CPU aroung 40 C and GPU around 30 C, its sad if it really because of the PSU i just bought it 2 years ago and PSU are pretty expensive :cry:
  6. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    I checked temp on idle is CPU 44 C and GPU 34 C i think its still normal right?
  7. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    I have went all these steps and it said repaired succsessfully ill check again tonight hopefully it fixes the problem
  8. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    My PSU fan is ID-COOLING SE-224-XT BASIC 2 FAN - Dual Fan / se 224xt / se224xt I am using ADATA GAMMIX D35 DDR4 32GB My BIOS version BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 2404, 12/21/2023 PSU its corsair CV750 and im on windows 11 64 bit, and no there is no BSoD the screen just turn...
  9. fillipo

    Question PC restarts ?

    Hello guys, please help me. What is the main issue of my PC, it just suddenly goes black screen and starts restarting? At first i thought it's just a random thing but when i opened google chrome it goes like freezes and then restarts, i don't know if its just that or if i just leave the pc...
  10. fillipo

    Question No display when turning on PC

    Hello everyone i wanted to ask, recently my pc keep shuting off by it self when im using it, and i tried check all of the hardware Now usually my motherboard light indicator lights up when i turn it on the CPU VGA and RAM, but now its not and now my pc is on but have no display Please help...
  11. fillipo

    Question PC Randomly shutting down or restarting without any alert

    Done it the error keep happening, i think its because kernel power ACPI thermal zone has been enumerated but CPU and GPU temp are ok its around 40 C
  12. fillipo

    Question PC Randomly shutting down or restarting without any alert

    Im sorry how to stop that?
  13. fillipo

    Question PC Randomly shutting down or restarting without any alert

    Its keep on happening, im testing when i nust open google chrome it shut down quite fast, when i play games it happend too but its not as fast
  14. fillipo

    Question PC Randomly shutting down or restarting without any alert

    for these couple of weeks my pc have been randomly shuting down i checked the temprature and already changing my thermal paste into a new one but the error still acours, please help me solve this problem this shuting down and immediately turning on happend not just when im gaming or on havy...