Recent content by Fitzitz

  1. F

    Advice for upgrade

  2. F

    Advice for upgrade

  3. F

    Advice for upgrade

  4. F

    PC building advice

    Not if you wanted maximum settings for the next few years. The price can be cut down depending on how willing you are to lower settings at specific FPS
  5. F

    Advice for upgrade

    You could go Asus Z97-A (~£120), Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo (£25.50) and Pentium g3258 (~£52). All together it comes to less than £200, you can overclock the pentium to perform well, the Cooler Master will let you overclock it higher than the stock cooler and keep it colder, and the high...
  6. F

    Advice for upgrade

    Then either the MSI PC MATE or Asus Z97-P is probably the way to go (I generally prefer Asus products but the MSI comes with crossfire capability, and seems to have a lot more ratings).
  7. F

    Advice for upgrade

    If it can support atx motherboards, I would go with the Z97 msi PC MATE and i5 4690k (or 4670k if you want to save £5)
  8. F

    Advice for upgrade

    Can your case fit an atx motherboard or does it have to be a micro-atx?
  9. F

    Advice for upgrade

    Do you intend on overclocking and do you intend on crossfiring that 270 (or going with Crossfire or SLI in the future)?
  10. F

    Advice for upgrade

    1. It's still a z87 series motherboard. 2. You can get an i5 4670k for £5 more and a 4690k for £10 more.
  11. F

    Advice for upgrade

  12. F

    GTA V PC System Requirements

    You should probably be able to play it at the lowest settings, beyond that I don't know.
  13. F

    Advice for upgrade

    It's okay, but my main complain is that it is a H87, so it won't be compatible with broadwell (and is generally of a lower quality than it's comparable z97 version, which is the same price).
  14. F

    What is the best cheapest unlocked LGA 1150 processor?

    I think the g3258 is, but it isn't that great. An i3 would probably be better. The next unlocked CPU after that is an i5 4670k/90k, which is a LOT more expensive than the g3258
  15. F

    PC building advice

    [PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant]( Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor]( | $324.98...