Recent content by foreksgotmail

  1. F

    [SOLVED] Can I get the same RAM sticks for my other 2 slots?

    I have 4 RAM slots on my motherboard and wanted to add some more RAM to my PC. Can I just get 2 more of the current RAM sticks I have right now or do I have to find different ones?
  2. F

    Question Displays only duplicate each other and windows doesn't recognize that there is 2 displays.

    There are 2 cards I'm trying to get this to work with: ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT which has only 1 DVI port AMD Radeon HD 5450 which has 1 VGA and 1 HDMI The port that is on the board is a VGA. Both monitors are able to use DVI and VGA but only one can use HDMI. I have many DVI, VGA, and HDMI...
  3. F

    Question Displays only duplicate each other and windows doesn't recognize that there is 2 displays.

    Yes sorry I completely forgot about the question on resolution. I had started writing that reply while at work yesterday and finished it this morning. That's my bad. This is no high end PC by any means. I'm sure you can tell from the specs I had given. Its just a lab machine for the library I...
  4. F

    Question Displays only duplicate each other and windows doesn't recognize that there is 2 displays.

    At first it was just that one monitor would not display anything when plugged into the GPU no matter the cable. We swapped out the card and that seemed to fix that problem. Currently one monitor was plugged into the card via DVI cable and the second display was plugged into the motherboard via...
  5. F

    Question Displays only duplicate each other and windows doesn't recognize that there is 2 displays.

    I have 2 displays that I want to be set to extended but no matter what configuration I have it doesn't seem to recognize that there are 2 displays plugged into the system. It is a Windows 10 machine. The GPU is an ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT and it has a standard Sata AHCI Controller. Let me know if...
  6. F

    Question Unknown Hard Error

    Oh yeah sorry. Windows 10 desktop. Anything else that I didn't mention in the original post that would help?
  7. F

    Question Unknown Hard Error

    I keep getting an unknown hard error every time I try to log into my PC. I get to the login screen type in my password and it loads for a minute or so and then pops up with the hard error. I have seen solutions online but I cannot do them do to the fact that I can’t get to my desktop to input...
  8. F

    Wireless Network Solutions

    Hello, I have just moved into my new apartment in the town where the college that I attend is located. I knew beforehand that my apartment wouldn't have any ethernet ports for me to use but I didn't really have much of a choice. The internet provider is called HotelWifi I believe. The ping isn't...
  9. F

    Looking for guidance on first PC build.

    The use would primarily be for gaming and computer science work for my Major. I play mostly esports titles(League of Legends, Overwatch, etc.) and usually play any AAA titles on console. I am hoping to do some video editing or streaming but that is not a major concern. I am not familiar with...