Recent content by FosBinderRulz

  1. F

    R9 295x2 + R9 290x??

    Hi. Thanks that article was realy helpful.
  2. F

    R9 295x2 + R9 290x??

    Hi guys. So first of all my rig. CPU: 4690k. GPU: R9 295x2. RAM: Crucial ballistix tactical tracer 16gb/ 1866. Samsung evo 850 120gb SSD. Seagate barracuda 500gb HDD. PSU: Chieftec Navitas series 80+gold 1250W. MOBO: Gigabyte z97x gaming 3. So heres the thing i want to stick a R9 290x in and i...
  3. F

    I7 5820k or i7 4790k for gaming in the next 3-4 years?

    Hi. I have 4690k, radeon 295x2, 16gb ddr3/1866, and i was going to upgrade to 5930k basiclly x99 plat form, but i finally came to the conclusion that while im still able to play every game maxed out i will go with this setup. And i think that when the 4690k wont be enough the prices will drop...