Recent content by GamingEmpire

  1. G

    Can anyone help me with this?

    AND i fixed it. Damnn finally, just puted from 4 to default the Maximum pre-rendered frames settings in Nvidia Control Panel. And gualaaa 60 avg in Line of Sight with all maxed. Thank you all :)
  2. G

    Can anyone help me with this?

    Yeah i know but its low fps even in some low games that pc can handle well like Line of Sight. I know its not strong pc, but i know what games can't handle. And i know that something is wrong there. Any software advice?
  3. G

    Can anyone help me with this?

    Im having terrible low fps without reasons. When i have things in front of me like this in games i have terrible low fps. I played same games with older PC and its better than me. Even on low or high its the same thing, low fps same fps. Just dont start to say old pc and other things, because i...
  4. G

    Multiplayer Games Big Fps Drops (only in multiplayer)

    Hi guys, im having a problem with mp games. In all mp games no matter if it req. big pc or low end pc it has fps drops. I run all the single player games like Bioshock infinite, dead space 3 (games which im playing now) at ultra settings, but mp games even in Low settings have fps drops...
  5. G

    Help: Cpu usage 100% big fps drops

    I have a c2d e8400, i know its old cpu but some games work very well on it. I reformated in windows 7, now when cpu hits 100% usage i have major FPS drops from 60 to 5, temps are very good even while playing, all drivers installed, gpu usage is 60% and temps are very good. What to do nothing is...
  6. G

    HELP: Game Stutter when cpu hits 100% usage, temps are very good!!!!

    When i play games cpu normaly in big games is used 99% the max. Now i cleaned it, re applied thermal paste and it goes up to 100%. When it hit 100% the game start to lag and fps drops, when its 99% the game works 60 fps and up. Only when it hits 100%, but before it never hited 100% while gaming...
  7. G


    When i play games cpu normaly in big games is used 99% the max. Now i cleaned it, re applied thermal paste and it goes up to 100%. When it hit 100% the game start to lag and fps drops, when its 99% the game works 60 fps and up. Only when it hits 100%, but before it never hited 100% while gaming...
  8. G

    Low fps in all games

    Tell us what fps drops you have and in which games?
  9. G

    HELP Two loading boot screen in Windows 10

    Hi guys, im having a problem. When i start the pc there are 2 booting screen in wondows 10, the first is normal and the second is lagging and than it take to much to boot. Everything is up to date including the bios, checked every settings to fix in w10 and bios bot not working. Any help? LINK...