Recent content by Gammyduck

  1. Gammyduck

    $550 gaming computer upgrade

    Powercolor cards are garbage from my experience.
  2. Gammyduck

    New PC with Coollaboratory Liquid Pro

    I recently purchased computer parts with the following specifications: Corsair Hydro Series H80i Silverstone Fortress FT02 w/ window Intel Core i7 4770K 16GB G.Skill RipjawsX DDR3-1866 2000GB Seagate Desktop HDD 256GB SanDisk Ultra Plus SSD Asus Z87-Pro (C2) Intel Z87 So.1150 4096MB...
  3. Gammyduck

    Looking to build PC for gaming, and video editing

    I am looking to build a PC over Christmas for the following uses: Computer Gaming (not so much triple A titles) Game Development Video Editing & Rendering Multi-Screen Compatibility Streaming As a result, my basic needs are: 16GB RAM + i7/ LGA2011 Support I am willing to: Overclock Watercool...
  4. Gammyduck

    Display driver AMD stopped responding and has recovered

    While playing the game Rust (a game in Alpha stage), the game freezes, my screen turns black and then it comes back with a message bottom right, saying that "Display driver AMD stopped responding and has recovered". It's even got to the extent where it has crashed 3 times in less than a minute...
  5. Gammyduck

    Best AM3+ mobos under $100 for Phenom 965 BE?

    I personally prefer the Gigabyte model
  6. Gammyduck

    upgrade for my radeon 5850

    I recommend picking up a 660GTX from amazon. its much cheaper
  7. Gammyduck

    Rate my PC build

    Dont forget to post updates when you build the rig ;)
  8. Gammyduck

    Good monitor for gaming

    Wow thats an amazing monitor, I wish I could afford one
  9. Gammyduck

    Are the new 4350 and 6350 worth it?

    Yeah I agree with above
  10. Gammyduck

    Best Value Motherboard (SATA III, AM3+, GTX 660ti)

    Thats a good motherboard, I reccomend it if you are not going down the Intel route
  11. Gammyduck

    Could use help on 600~700 USD build

    I would reccomend an ATI if possible. Its cheaper and better performance wise
  12. Gammyduck

    Will this homebuilt system fit together?

    Isn't the Windows 7 OEM edition cheaper than 90$
  13. Gammyduck

    Need some input on new gaming rig.

    What resolution is your monitor?
  14. Gammyduck

    New Gaming / Workstation Build

    Thats a massive budget, I'd like to see pictures of it when youre done :)