Recent content by Gary915

  1. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    Yeah... I dont know why what happened happened. I simply installed a new NVME drive, which took up the SATA slot for the HDD, so I had to shutdown the pc, and reconnect it to another SATA slot. I turned the PC on, and voila, everything was more screwed in that HDD than id ever seen. I think...
  2. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    I see. Very interesting. So all should be good otherwise? I shouldnt touch anything else in regards to the sectors that look like boot sectors?
  3. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    View: So, this is what I have managed to create. My file tree is currently back, and the files seem to work as intended. Let me know if anything appears off, the 367mb partition in FAT32 did not appear to be possible to remove, so I just left it there. Seems to be...
  4. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    I can, with a warning saying "Boot sector is not found or incorrect/incompatible. Partition will be detected as not formatted." and a Yes/No button.
  5. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    It seems to only allow me to remove $Volume 01 GUID FAT32 3.0TB. Upon highlighting $Volume 01 FAT32 367MB, there is no remove button. A green square on the original 3.0TB FAT32 line appeared.
  6. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    I see. I have recovered some files that are important (Backed up photos) Those seem to work and load correctly. 95% of the other files are games (fortunately) that can be redownloaded. What should the next step be?
  7. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    My only question here is, is it worth it to try and fix the partition structure? I would have to move all files back onto the HDD anyway, right? Given this in mind, wouldnt it be simpler and safer to fully wipe the drive and repartition it?
  8. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    Got it. Currently in the process of recovering a folder. Should recovery work, is it best to recover all files, then completely wipe and re-format the HDD?
  9. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    Further, if you have solutions and would like to hop onto a discord call or something of the sort to make all easier, I would not have an issue with that, and I could at minimum stream my screen for you
  10. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    I can only hope that this means it is fixable?
  11. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    Yes I do
  12. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    View: Sure. I hope this is what you were looking for? I could not figure out how to display all drives, so the one in question is displayed. Now that youve shown me this software as well, I can see that the correct partition is indeed there (Gary 3TB).
  13. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    View: Heres my file explorer for reference. Drive I is the 3TB, which I specified to be I back when the drive was working.
  14. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue

    Thank you, uploaded in reply to other user.
  15. Gary915

    Question 3TB HDD Issue
