Recent content by georgejosephballard

  1. G

    CPU not detected or fail

    MERGED QUESTION Question from georgejosephballard : "RYZEN 5 1600 CPU Issues Please help"
  2. G

    CPU not detected or fail

    Hi Using ryzen 5 1600 and have got a CPU not detected or fail led on. Any one know what I can do ?
  3. G


    Hi guys. Have just build my first pc. Went to turn it on and nothing coming through to the TV via HDMI. The fans are on and working but the motherboard also has red lights around it that are staying on Anyone know what I can do?
  4. G

    £1000 Build, is it good ?

    Is my build going to be able to run games at stable rate ? Any thoughts and advice would be appreciated!
  5. G

    GPU help with build

    Hi everyone, This is the build that was recommended from you guys; So far I've bought; case, RAM, power unit, motherboard and hard drive. Need help with GPU as the one on the build just looks well dull. I have find this one on Amazon and is on offer...
  6. G

    EVGA 650W with a self build

    Hi all, Merry Christmas! Sorry very new to all this. Just want to couple check that this power supply will work with this build ? Reason for change is price difference and also I live 5 minutes away from PC World so easy to get hold of quickly. Power supply...