Recent content by GoLarge

  1. G

    New Thermaltake Volcano 9

    I have to admit i'm a bit unknowledgable about this but I thought it wast the case that none (perhaps including the V9) of the Volcano 7 series heatsinks were amd certified because of their weight so how do new amd requirements matter now (TT's product description doesn't mention amd certified...
  2. G

    New Thermaltake Volcano 9

    was thinking the same thing ... why would they move away from copper. I wonder if it has anything to do with change of size with the new amd core. I love my V7+ except when i looked in the other day and saw the 2 T's upside down. O well not worth taking apart for IMO. btw, i found this <A...
  3. G

    New Thermaltake Volcano 9

    <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A> it almost looks like a combo of the volcano 7 and volcano 7+ with the temperature control and speed control combined. the heatsink doesn't appear that different. anybody else have any thoughts? "A very...
  4. G

    Gigabyte GA-7VRXP VIA KT333 cpu jumpers

    IMO, i think you should put the bus at 133 and leave the multiplier alone at auto because unless you're going to unlock the processor and overclock it doesn't matter anyways. "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions" - Nietzsche
  5. G

    GA-7VRXP question

    make sure you hit the switch on the motherboard to change the FSB from 100 to 133 - it's near the clear cmos jumpers. "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions" - Nietzsche
  6. G

    Gigabyte GA-7VRXP Bad for your XP CPU

    I'm sure it varies that's why I said up to 10 degrees. If you go to and the gigabyte forums some people measured temps with a thermometer and figured this out. I believe it's because the probe actually touches the bottom of the processor or something like that and a improved...
  7. G

    Gigabyte GA-7VRXP Bad for your XP CPU

    Keep in mind according to many posts i've read that this gigabyte MB reads temps up to ten degrees high because of the placement of the thermal sensor. "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions" - Nietzsche
  8. G

    How do I confirm I have PC2700 and not PC2100?

    try sandra it identifies module speeds and gives other info. "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions" - Nietzsche
  9. G

    Specs. for New System- MB Concerns.

    i have the same Mobo, processor, video card and hard drive and I haven't had any of the reported 7VRXP problems. However, if your going to unlock the processor then the 7VRXP is not the best for overclocking because you have to set the multiplier via jumpers on the board instead of through the...
  10. G

    what do you consider stable

    OMG, there is actually a point where you stop messing around with it. :eek: That must be my problem. But seriously thanks for the info that's kinda what I figured but it's just hard to be patient with a new rig. I'm actually starting to feel all tweaked-out now. "A very popular error...
  11. G

    what do you consider stable

    I'm just wondering from some more experienced people a) what do you do to test stability of you o/c and b) what the most common signs of unsuccessful o/c. In my particular situation i'm just mildy o/c the FSB of my locked AXP 1800 and it seems I can go higher (145) but then I get lock ups after...
  12. G

    questions about FSB and memory speeds

    Thanks Tile, Yes FSB is set at 142. DDR speed is set in bios at 333mhz and at stock FSB of 133 (of course really 266) sandra confirms the memory speed is 333 (2 x 166). Of course I'm assuming that any memory speed over FSB speed is just wasted memory bandwith. My DDR is PC2100 (see my post...
  13. G

    questions about FSB and memory speeds

    I'm having a frustrating time figuring out how the speed of my memory is being calculated by Sandra. I have a Gigabyte 7VRXP and locked AXP 1800 with the memory set at 333 megahertz and the FSB currently set at 142. With no FSB overclock it says the memory runs at 333 (2x166). With the...
  14. G

    Don't buy from

    Yup the only component i didn't get from newegg and i got burned on it. They come up first on pricewatch under various memory speeds as the cheapest and now I know why. They sell overclocked ram as being a faster speed. When I talked to them they said we didn't call it "true" pc2700 ddr sdram...
  15. G

    Please Help XP Shutdown Prob

    try this link: