Recent content by gordostacoshop

  1. gordostacoshop

    Need advice selling

    I have a cpu, mobo, and cooler I want to sell, but I don't have any of the original boxes, and I'm not really sure how to go about doing this. I'm located in Chicago, and I see craigslist and ebay as viable options. Should I sell my components together, or separate? If I sell on ebay, how...
  2. gordostacoshop

    Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Fallout: New Vegas

    799 The price of a Bojangle's 8-piece meal... Really wish Chicago had Bojangle's... ;(
  3. gordostacoshop

    First Gaming PC Build!

    I think you'd be better going i7-4790K and 2 gtx 980s if your machine is purely for gaming. Also, I'd suggest using a stronger power supply and cpu cooler. Pretty beastly setup though.
  4. gordostacoshop

    upgrade cpu or gpu

    I would. Just be smart, and overclock a little bit at a time, and keep an eye on your temps. Also, you could just see how they run without an overclock first, then go from there.
  5. gordostacoshop

    Best dremel bit for cutting small holes in thin sheet metal

    Jesus, people are more knowledgeable here than they are on DIY forums. Screw the home depot guy, I'm gonna start making threads here. :D
  6. gordostacoshop

    Best dremel bit for cutting small holes in thin sheet metal

    I personally wouldn't use a dremel for that. I think you're better off drilling. Just ask someone at home depot, if you're from the US that is... Good luck on your lamp, sounds very steam punk.
  7. gordostacoshop

    upgrade cpu or gpu

    Probably, a little. Skyrim is pretty damn dependent on single thread performance, which the athlon lacks. The 270x will help a lot with higher textures and a few other things though. I still think it's worth doing, then upgrading your cpu/chipset when you can.
  8. gordostacoshop

    Upgrading my 2600k to a 4790k worth it?

    Those 2500k and 2600ks still have a lot of fight in them. I honestly don't think it's worth getting rid of. Then again, I don't know how they do with higher res gaming, though I'm fairly certain your 780s take care of that anyway.
  9. gordostacoshop

    Is it time to upgrade my CPU?

    Personally, I'm waiting for the middle of 2015 to jump to Intel... by then the upgrade would probably be more worth it. I have an FX 6300, and haven't had an issue running anything yet. While the FX is pretty weak now compared to Haswell, Ivy-E, etc, I feel it will be worth holding out a little...
  10. gordostacoshop

    upgrade cpu or gpu

    When you OC your CPU, it basically performs like a phenom II, but as Beezy says, it won't make a HUGE difference, especially on newer games. HOWEVER, learning how to overclock might go smoother with your current setup, as I learned on an Athlon x2 250. If you do decide to overclock the athlon...
  11. gordostacoshop

    upgrade cpu or gpu

    I'd recommend getting the 270x, dealing with the bottleneck temporarily, then moving over to a non-k haswell i5 when you can afford to.
  12. gordostacoshop

    help finding a cooler for my cpu

    I use the hyper 212 evo on my 6300 to get 4.4ghz. The thermal paste that comes with it isn't bad, but I had better luck with Gelid GC-extreme. Also, your ram shouldn't interfere with the fit of the cooler, though it might block one of your ram slots. It does in mine :/
  13. gordostacoshop

    i5 3570k vs amd 6600k or fx 6300

    I just noticed that you arent going to overclock... any Haswell i5 will really work for you, and you could step down to an h97 motherboard. AMD only stays competitive when overclocked nowadays.
  14. gordostacoshop

    i5 3570k vs amd 6600k or fx 6300

    The fx6300 runs hot, and can get pretty grumpy if you don't have a good cooler. I personally have one coupled with a gtx760 and it works great. The 6600k is fine, though if you want to go the budget quad-core route, get an athlon 750k or 760k. It's cheaper, and they work well with your gtx...
  15. gordostacoshop

    Need help picking a PSU for ~$60

    ok thanks guys, I appreciate all your help!