Recent content by gregoryprice

  1. G

    Is this Corsair MMO mouse any good for 2019 gaming?

    Yes, you can give a try to Corsair I have reviewed it well even used it for 1 year.
  2. G

    Lookin for good gaming mouse

    I would suggest that read the reviews of SteelSeries Rival 600 mouse, it has better clicks and a weight system with a second sensor for a lower price.
  3. G

    [SOLVED] Need help with my gaming mouse light

    Try a different USB port or try the mouse with another computer.
  4. G

    Can't click on two buttons at the same time on gaming mouse

    Hi, I would say try Logitech G Pro once, I'm currently using it and it is meeting all my gaming requirements.
  5. G

    [SOLVED] Budget Gaming Keyboard

    I think you can go with Glorious GMMK, I read all the reviews for this gaming keyboard and after that even give a try to it and I must say it works very well for more detailed information you can even give a quick review to this here
  6. G

    [SOLVED] Gaming mouse does scroll does not work in games

    Try Logitech G Pro Wireless for gaming. I have my personal experience with this and I must say it really make you crazy while gaming video games. For more different types of gaming mouse reviews visit:
  7. G

    [SOLVED] Buy gaming mouse for 20$

    You can also try Pictek Programmable Gaming Mouse.