Recent content by Gtr780ti

  1. G

    FPS Drops/Lag Spikes

    Did u ever fix this? I'm getting the same problem
  2. G

    780 ti problem

    I've had my PC for about 7 months now. Everything's been fine until now. On two separate occasions in the last month Windows (7) has automatically forced its self into the basic theme mode while doing random things like internet browsing. When this happens I can hear my 780 ti making some pretty...
  3. G

    Microphone will emit a buzzing noise when playing a game

    Would also like to know how to sort this out
  4. G

    Buying a new heat sink; need advice!

    So I'm using an i7 4770k With the stock cooler at the moment, looking to upgrade to a closed loop water cooler or air cooler depending on what's said here. I'm worried about the compatibility of most air coolers because of my fairly high profile ram (corsair vengeance) but I'm also worried about...
  5. G

    BF4 high fps but feels very choppy

    Just wanted to note that I fixed this by unparking my cores on my i7 4770k.
  6. G

    CPUID HWMonitor incorrect readings?

    So I looked in my bios and my CPU was idling at 55-60C which concerned me. I downloaded CPUID HWMonitor. Looking at the temps on there my CPU seems to be idling at 35-40C. Is CPUID wrong? Which is likely to be the correct reading? PS: I'm looking at getting a better heat sink soon, will most...
  7. G

    Nvidia g-sync triple screen

    That's a shame, although it kinda makes sense now I think about it, thanks though.
  8. G

    Nvidia g-sync triple screen

    I'm going to buy a gsync monitor. After I have the gsync monitor I will also have 2 other regular 60hz monitors. Is it possible to use the 3 screens at the same time while gaming, having the gsync effect on the gsync monitor and the other monitors just... Normal? Might be a stupid question...
  9. G

    new motherboard, PC sent into endless boot cycle

    Try to note down what it says on the blue screen. & It should say what to press to access the boot options menu almost immediately when you power the pc on. It's usually one of the f keys. (It's f11 for me).
  10. G

    Driver controller error

    Any ideas? :/
  11. G

    URGENT Computer Turns On and Off Repeatedly

    1. Check all cables from the psu to the motherboard are properly connected. 2. Try unplugging the power cable from the pc + holding down the power button on your pc with the cable still unplugged for about 10 seconds - this will drain all power out of your pc. Then try again after reconnecting...
  12. G

    new motherboard, PC sent into endless boot cycle

    You could try a boot in safe mode and see if you can get in that way. If you can; have a look though the event logs and see what's causing the problem. If not, write down what's on the blue screen and try googling that if its something you're unsure about (take a picture of the bsod if it...
  13. G

    Onboard Audio Stopped Working After Moving and Dusting PC

    It could be possible that you may have shorted some thing (did you statically discharge yourself?) I would get back in the case and double check everything is properly connected and try again though. As a last resort you could always buy a cheap sound card and throw that in.
  14. G

    Driver controller error

    I've been getting the following error message in windows (7, 64bit) event logs for a while now: The driver detected a controller error on \ Device\Ide\IdePort1 First of all I don't even have any IDE ports / cables; it's all sata. I guessed it was referring to sata port 1 which is my 2nd hard...
  15. G

    BF4 high fps but feels very choppy

    I forgot to mention in my first post that this happens even in campaign mode. So I doubt changing the in-game network smoothing factor would help me. Thanks for the responses so far though.