Recent content by Half Life

  1. Half Life

    Cooler Master Masterbox 5 vs NZXT S340 Elite

    I like NZXT for it's aesthetics, but have you considered Corsair?
  2. Half Life

    New Budget PC build for 3d Rendering and Gaming for architecture student. Please help!

    yes, the order is correct, although the performance gain or loss is some what insignificant in some cases
  3. Half Life

    2400 Mhz (8gbx2) OR 3000Mhz (16gbx1)

    this one is for DDR3, but has a very good depth of information on comparison between speed vs latency ; some of the inferences apply to all RAM in general
  4. Half Life

    2400 Mhz (8gbx2) OR 3000Mhz (16gbx1) had a good article with a detailed table on this; I will see if I can share it with you;
  5. Half Life

    buying internationally from india

    bad idea why? because a) no returns b) no warranties c) no exchanges d) no support also, considering that our shipping is not evolved, we are not protected from damages and tampering on the way
  6. Half Life

    2400 Mhz (8gbx2) OR 3000Mhz (16gbx1)

    i hope you are aware that in either of the specs, you will need a) motherboard that supports memory overclocking, and b) cpu that can take advantage of the extra clock
  7. Half Life

    Please rate my gaming rig..

    looks good i can rate it at 5 stars for Indian subcontinent build standards (in the west, they go overboard with all those liquid cooling, and multi GPU setups) 1070 is the best value for your money presently, and probably the most purchased right now all around the world i don't see any...
  8. Half Life

    Gaming Cabinet and aftermarket cpu cooler

    MERGED QUESTION Question from arfiavenger : "Gaming cabinet and system fan"
  9. Half Life

    Gaming Cabinet and aftermarket cpu cooler

    arfi why 3 threads for one problem? U can put all your questions in a single thread too.
  10. Half Life

    A good 1080p monitor

    dell gets good reviews, series e is economy, s is affordable, p is not for gaming and u is luxury in our market
  11. Half Life

    Looking for a gaming system in india November 2016

    Between a laptop and a desktop, i would recommend a desktop any day for gaming. And pre-built vs assembled, that is no argument, as long as you get the one with good specs.
  12. Half Life

    PC Configuration required

    hello hazra, here is a thread that has exactly what you need; it also has links to other threads for builds with varying budgets;
  13. Half Life

    Suggestions for my new pc setup

    good choice of components, mostly some observations: 1. your i5 comes with default fan, and for the most purposes it works just fine 2. your RAM, they say it's good to get two small capacity sticks rather than one big one 3. your power supply, may be you want to upgrade to CS or at least CX...
  14. Half Life

    which psu do i need i live in india
