Recent content by Haydose

  1. H

    Computer is running unbearably bad after windows 7 reinstall.

    Sorry for the pretty large delay. Yes I have had a look at your tests, it seems that on one of the benchmarks, from the data provided your write speeds were at a extremely low speed of 9941KB/s. So yes, i do believe this is a hdd issue, and if possible I would request for a warranty replacement.
  2. H

    Computer is running unbearably bad after windows 7 reinstall. This will test your current read and write speeds on your hard drive, scan for errors and check disk health. If you can post a screenshot of your test that would be good, also if you open task manager you should have a tab which shows your current hdd disk usage, if it...
  3. H

    Computer is running unbearably bad after windows 7 reinstall.

    This sounds like a hardware issue, more prcisely a hard drive issue. Do you have multiple external hard drives connect to your computer? Try removing them and see if there are any noticeable differences. My friend just recently had this issue. If not, I can recommend you either refund your hard...
  4. H

    is this a good pc build to be played on 55inch 4k tv?

    In terms of price for performance I believe if you build your own pc with your budget of $2000 you can build quite a great pc which can run your desires. Judging from the website linked your australian right? Because I myself am to. If you are not comfortable with building your own pc, if you...
  5. H

    Bottleneck with 970

    Bottlenecking is a very overused term, I believe yes your cpu may be a 'bottle neck' although in terms of performance you may or may not see any increase or decrease, of performance in certain games. If you could list what type of games or uses of the pc, i can try to assist you in if your cpu...
  6. H

    Should I use my monitors native resolution or what the nvidia fake resolution recommends 2517x 1500 something

    Native resolution should always be used, if using anything other than your native resolution you may encounter image scretch, blur, disorientation, or in some cases black borders. The only time which you should or may choose to use other resolutions other than native, is if you cannot smoothly...
  7. H

    Best Headset or Headphones+ Mic setup for gaming????

    Oh wow, thanks for the help and effort really appreciated. I've come to conclusion and am going to go with the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700X.
  8. H

    Best Headset or Headphones+ Mic setup for gaming????

    Hey, I am currently in the market for a new headset for gaming, I am looking to go for a headphones+mic setup. The mic I will most likely be using is the Audio-Technica AT2020 but I do not know which headphones will be good in terms of great audio. I am also willing to buy a 'gaming headset' but...
  9. H

    Best monitor for fps gaming???

    Hey, I'm currently in search of a new monitor for fps gaming, my one is a bit outdated. I play CS:GO, Dayz/Arma and Battlefield. For the games I play which do you think is best suited for me? Samsung S24D300H 24in Widescreen LED Monitor or BenQ RL2240HE Limited Edition 21.5in LED Gaming Monitor...