Recent content by hei245

  1. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    question but a pc only has either a hard drive or a ssd?(not both) Also really just the hard drive?
  2. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    for the future what parts of the pc/desktop contain data do i need to take out for privacy reasons(so no one can access my info). I only know of the hard drive, is there something else like the monitor or ram?
  3. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    sorry i'm a bit confused by what you mean by finished?
  4. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    oh okay. There was a password on the computer to even login. The pc hadn't worked for 3 years crashed and never turned on (crashed when deleting and uploading files and was extremely slow. )The hard drive was 13 years old.
  5. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    they threw it with the trash where other trash from the house goes. Not a dumpster, Like a trash can which gets emptied. Would this still be an issue?
  6. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    they threw it with the trash where other trash from the house goes. Not a dumpster, Like a trash can which gets emptied.
  7. H

    Question Family member threw out old pc tower with hard drive still in it

    So a family member put a pc tower in a box and I told them not to do anything to it, by the time I had came back, they had threw away the pc tower with the hard drive inside(they were not seperated like the hard drive was still inside the pc tower which was placed in a box)... How bad is this...