Recent content by honger97

  1. H

    Question Audio popping when (un)pausing certain sounds

    Update on tried solutions: I brought the PC to my friend's appartment in a different building to 100% rule out a possible grounding issue with my outlets (they do have the grounding pins but people are capable of messing such installations) and connected it there Tried different screen through...
  2. H

    Question Audio popping when (un)pausing certain sounds

    I noticed that when running a LatencyMon test for a bit longer audio starts to pop way more aggressively and sometimes sound will behave like you would slow down a YouTube video to x0.25 speed, like short audio wave stretched 100 times. Ofc the software itself does not show any troubles with any...
  3. H

    Question Audio popping when (un)pausing certain sounds

    Update on tried solutions - I installed drivers from the manufacturer rather than MSI, stil the same.
  4. H

    Question Audio popping when (un)pausing certain sounds

    Just to add up, LatencyMon did not see any issues with my PC while playing or listening to music. I made a .bat file for resetting Windows Audio Service but it does not help. I tried prioritizing some audio related Windows processes in Process Lasso but this didn't help. I tried moving my...
  5. H

    Question Audio popping when (un)pausing certain sounds

    I've seen some threads on similar problems which had many possible solutions and none worked for me so far, there's also some more that went under the radar, so I decided to make my own thread and perhaps someone finds it and would kindly help me end this suffering. For a few weeks I've been...