Recent content by Honorable55

  1. Honorable55

    Question Disabledynamictick wierd mouse movement

    same here dude. despite not being even 0.5ms timer i actally like it better this way and it doesnt affect my gameplay/performance at all and still getting relatively low dpc latency even with the latesc nvidia drivers which cause big dpc latency. basically every driver after 3.80 does. if i...
  2. Honorable55

    Question Disabledynamictick wierd mouse movement

    yes, i already tried that way before you replied and the mouse felt slower and more accurate with the command OFF. havent found a fix yet, just gotten used to it. i also gave up on 0.5ms timer thingy, i feel like it adds more input lag and makes mouse worse. so the only 2 commands i'm using now...
  3. Honorable55

    Question Disabledynamictick wierd mouse movement

    Sadly nope..i just kind of got used to it. playing on 400 dpi but feels like bigger.
  4. Honorable55

    Question Compatibile GPUs for the foxconn 2abf motherboard?

    no. its an 700W psu, and after searching around on google for rx 470 and foxconn 2abf they aren't compatibile
  5. Honorable55

    Question Compatibile GPUs for the foxconn 2abf motherboard?

    My friend owns this motherboard and has an i5 2400. he decided to upgrade his gpu from an old nvidia gpu to RX 470, but his pc isnt starting. from what i'm seeing the card isnt compatibile with the old chipset from the motherboard. any idea what he can do? RMA the card and get something...
  6. Honorable55

    Question Micro stuttering in every game.

    you can google each off the commands and why HPET should be disabled if you really want to. But i'd suggest just doing them and save yourself time and a headache it will be better trust me, imo every system should have HPET disabled by default and a 0.5ms timer for the lowest input possibile and...
  7. Honorable55

    Question Micro stuttering in every game.

    go into device manager -> system devices -> rightclick on "High precision event timer" and click disable. open CMD as admin. type in these following commands. bcdedit /set useplatformclock No --> (forces HPET off, known for causing input lag and DPC latency + stutters) bcdedit /set...
  8. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Stuttering after about 2 hours?

    glad i could be of help. if you're looking to further optimize your PC for gaming, check out an app called Latencymon and test to see your system latency. You can then use a tool called MSI-utility_v2 ( ) which puts your drivers...
  9. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Stuttering after about 2 hours?

    yeah, thats the point. to get it the low as possibile so you can get the lowest latency possibile, its explained in the video about why 0.5ms timer its the best.
  10. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Stuttering after about 2 hours?

    just make sure to disable HPET from device manager and do what the steps above tell you and make sure you don't miss any commands or put the wrong value in, so just copy paste them to be sure. RESTART after putting the 3 commands into CMD. After that download the tool from here...
  11. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Stuttering after about 2 hours?

    here's a better explanation. View: you should also tweak your OS to be more responsive and to reduce input lag. go into device manager -> system devices -> rightclick on "High precision event timer" and click disable. open CMD as admin. type in...
  12. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Stuttering after about 2 hours?

    did you try ISLC? a tool that is forcing 0.5 ms timer in windows to reduce input lag/increase fps and remove stutters + it removes the standby memory which is the cause of stuttering in windows 10. try it
  13. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Will the RX 550 4GB DDR5 bottleneck the i5 2400?

    thanks for the answear, but he will go with the RX 470 instead which only costs around 11 dollars more. less bottleneck (only around 15% according to a bottleneck calculator site)
  14. Honorable55

    [SOLVED] Will the RX 550 4GB DDR5 bottleneck the i5 2400?

    a question regarding my friend who wants to upgrade his GPU from an old one. the i5 is pretty old so i wanna know if he can pair those 2