Recent content by I need halp

  1. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    Unfortunately not, but tomorrow I'm going to have someone I know who's experienced with computers have a look and I'll keep the thread updated
  2. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    It's a corsair GS 2013 600w 80+ bronze ATX
  3. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    Everything is plugged in correctly and it won't start at all.
  4. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    I cleaned it all out with compressed air, and it won't turn on at all, just like before. What should I do now?
  5. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    Yeah it is plugged in, what James said. I currently have no access to compressed air cans because all the shops are closed at the moment, I'll try to get hold of some tomorrow.
  6. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    How would you recommend cleaning it?
  7. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on? ^think that link should work, never used imgur before. It is fairly dusty.
  8. I

    My PC shut down with a burning smell and won't turn on?

    Hello, I was playing The Divison and suddenly my PC shut down without warning, and there was a strong burning smell. I unplugged the PSU and checked the PC and the smell seemed to be coming from the CPU/top fan area, and now the PC will not turn on. Any suggestions or ideas what it could be...
  9. I

    Need help/ideas for PC upgrade

    Hello, thanks for looking at my question. I have been considering upgrading my processor for a while now and I've decided now is the time to do it, since most modern games I get FPS problems on. However, I'm not sure which processor to buy and which is best value for money - if I go for an...
  10. I

    Looking to upgrade to an i5 for gaming, any suggestions?

    Hello, I'm looking to upgrade my AMD CPU, preferably to an i5, and I am looking for suggestions. I will also need a new motherboard, so recommendations for one of those would be great, too. Any help is appreciated. FX-6300 8GB DDR3 RAM GTX 970 Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P ATX motherboard 600w psu
  11. I

    Games keep flickering to desktop?

    I have now solved the issue. If anyone is having a similar issue, this was the solution for me:
  12. I

    Games keep flickering to desktop?

    I've recently noticed an issue while in games - it keeps flickering to the desktop and back in under a second whenever I left click about 5 times; it's extremely annoying. I did recently get infected with a few viruses which I removed and I though it could be adware trying to force itself onto...