Recent content by icecreamcake123

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    Question My Ryzen 2600 Blue screens when case is barely touched.

    So how would I check for the short circuiting?Should i reconnect everything or is there software to check that?
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    Question My Ryzen 2600 Blue screens when case is barely touched.

    So my cpu has a problem that when my case is slightly moved it causes it to blue screen. Like when my phone fell on it or I barely move it on the rug. Also when I specifically play steam games,no other platform, any controller or mouse and keyboard I use the game either moves the character on...
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    Question My graphics card wont stop being on Full speed (No matter what OC program I use).

    He said he never did any bios changes but I would not know how to check anyways?
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    Question My graphics card wont stop being on Full speed (No matter what OC program I use).

    First off I want to list a few things about my card XFX AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 Graphics Card IT was bout used from a bitcoin miner that had used ethos from what I asked to change the card fan to spin 100 percent all the time. The card is fully functional and temps are below...
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    my pc freezes while gaming event viewer error id 56

    Whenever im playing a game it can be from origin steam or a game like runescape and the pc freezes. i do not receive blue screens or signs of overheating. Ive reinstalled graphics drivers with ddu uninstaller reinstalled latest drivers excluding beta drivers. Checked cpu,gpu, temps. downloaded...