Recent content by ILogiq

  1. I

    Gtx 750 ti to gtx 1070

    So apparently i didn't count with the taxes. which made it go from 420 to 500.. 80$ taxes is crazy so i decided to buy somewhere else, anyone got an personal opinion on the MSI GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X 8G ? i'm going to order it now. but wanted to hear some opinion, maybe there is stuff i don't...
  2. I

    Gtx 750 ti to gtx 1070

  3. I

    Gtx 750 ti to gtx 1070

  4. I

    Gtx 750 ti to gtx 1070

  5. I

    Gtx 750 ti to gtx 1070

    with some research done i found out that all the 1070s are almost the same, and the only thing thats different is price and cooling. Would this be my best buy? its the cheapest i found and dont think its...
  6. I

    Build won't startup

    It looks like this. If it helps in anyway.
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    Build won't startup

    I'm pretty sure everything is plugged in. I already tried plugging out and in and no change.
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    Build won't startup

    I'm in a huge problem. Yesterday I bought my ram. And the day before that my new case arrived. And more components would come next month. So I thought.l that I should just change everything from my old case to the new one and change the ram. So I would be ready for next month. Well. I...
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    Help with Building computer

  10. I

    Help with Building computer

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    Help with Building computer

    So i am currently building my computer. And i got this build: PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: CPU Cooler: CRYORIG H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler Motherboard: Read below. Memory: Corsair...
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    Which one should i get?

    Should i get the MSI Radeon RX 480 GAMING X 4G (€ 264,95) Or VGA XFX Radeon RX 480 8GB Core Edition (€ 284,95) I...
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    is this Graphics card a must buy?

    So i should still buy the r480? Does it perform better than the 1060?
  14. I

    is this Graphics card a must buy?

    So, im going to buy a new graphics card. i was going to buy Randeon RX 480 4GB OC. but i just got an email saying that the 1060 3gb is on discount. ( ) so is this graphics card a must buy? or should i go with the 480 anyways? The prize...
  15. I

    Help with building computer

    Also, how does it work with internet connections? do i only need the motherboard for it? I think im missing a couple of stuff? how about usb..? I thought someone would point them out.. guess not